Ms.Madhavi Sastry
“A drop in the ocean”, my contribution to the society for education. But water will not be stagnant, it will flow, till we restrict or construct boundary.
It’s my pleasure of being with “DEVENDRA VIDYALAYA”, where we feel as serving the society.
Zeal of our Management to provide all the latest facilities and technology to students in improving the standards of education, makes us to work innovatively. I am happy to share with you all, that we have come up with a Kindergarten branch at kandukoor, based on activity oriented learning methods for kids.
Education doesn’t have limitations and boundaries. Our students with physical strength and Mental ability are stepping towards success year by year. This year in sports our students reached upto Mandal level. One of our class X student represented District Level Cricket Tournament. Our students performed cultural programme in cyberabad police grounds on Republic day celebration.
Our school captains will be elected through “Devendra Vidyalaya General Elections”. Elected captains will take Oath of “serving the school and maintaining the discipline”, which develops the leadership qualities of the students. As we promised our parents, we are coming up with Educomp’s Smart class digital class rooms.
Our thrust towards giving the standard education with innovative methods makes us feel proud of our students involvement and achievement in every role.
I specially thank our respected chairman sir and Governing body, with whose dreams and inspirations Devendar Vidyalaya is set an example to others.
I thank our correspondent madam, whose striving hard work make “dreams come true” as Devendra Vidyalaya.
Always teachers are the back bone of the Institution, whose hardwork is immeasurable. We thank such potential teaching and non – teaching staff, with whose hard work, our Institution is reaching to the heights. Finally, I thank our parents with whose co – operation we are emerging with new steps in making the future responsible citizens.
“Students feel proud to be in Devendar Vidyalaya, as a part of Pragna”.